Wednesday, 29 June 2011

a short story...

In the hectic schedule of our lives, we have no time for anything. Feelings, emotions, people, beloved ones, we can think of nothing at all. I had been to a friend’s place today and saw that she was a little disturbed. When pressed a little she told me a story.

There was a sparrow couple which used to visit her place every morning since past year. The female was a little dumb. She used to come in through the living room window and roam about in the room. But she never used to find the way out. When she couldn’t find the way out she used to get hyper and used to chirp badly. Then the male sparrow used to chirp to her and lead her to their way out. This used to happen every day. Sometimes they used to play their games, sometimes the female used to tease the male and irritate him with many of her things like, unnecessarily getting food for him when he wasn’t hungry, chirp continuously when he was uninterested, then he used to turn his back to her and sit and she used to wander around him trying to seek his attention. The male used to be so caring that he used to ask her to stay out of the window and ask her to get in only after he had checked that the other window, which was their way out, was open. Once they had brought along a few friends who helped them get the raw materials to build their house. Both the females were made to sit out on the hedge of the balcony till the men were at work. Once they finished they would fly together.

Today morning my friend got up with a sound of continuous, loud chirping. She got off from her bed and went out in the living room. She was stunned with what she saw. The female sparrow was lying on the couch. Dead! The male sparrow was chirping badly. He couldn’t find his female companion. As soon as he felt my friend near him he flew away. My friend didn’t know what to do. She started crying and was just thinking about the male’s safety and state of mind.

She called the sweeper and asked him to take the female sparrow away. Even the sweeper felt something cold down his spine when he saw her. Still he took her away. The whole day the male sparrow sat waiting on the grill of the window, chirping continuously, in the hope that at least once would his female reply to him and they would go back home happily and he would never let her go away from him even for a while. But that fool doesn’t know that his darling would never return back to him now. He was madly in love with her.

Only for sometime there was a crow sitting on the grill. That was the only time the male sparrow left his place from the grill. He came back again, after the crow went away, chirping. Even when I left he was there. I won’t wonder if he is still there or if he would be there for another couple of days or weeks, waiting for her to return to his arms.

We humans are so dumb and insensitive. Nature is the best teacher. It is a boon to our lives. The small things we observe around us make us learn so many things but we turn a blind eye towards them thinking that we are the know-it-alls

Just consider a human situation instead. If a girl would have left a guy, would the guy wait all this long and care so much for a girl? Would he bother to lead her through her bad if she was silly or dumb or not capable enough? Would he do everything or leave everything just to see her smile? Not only a guy, but would a girl do all this for her love?

We humans consider ourselves and rank ourselves at the top. But we really need to think if we are worth enough to be called humans or rather if we are even worth living.

May be some of you found this story an emotional dose or utter sense of stupidity, but just think once. About every other time you see a sunset, every other time you feel you should have had some to hug tight. you parents, their love. your loved one if you have any. This is for them, and last but not the least, it is for you.

When ever you get tired of your loved one's tantrums, wish to be separated or even if a thought crosses your mind saying why on earth are we even together, remember, there is still a male sparrow waiting in the rain for his dear female sparrow with a hope that she would come back, thirsty, hungry, dried tears and in her memories. May be he will live and move on, may be he will wait for her till his last breathe and die..

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf...