Monday, 6 August 2012

Taking a step, making a start...

Life has just become a joke for everyone nowadays. We have become selfish, self-centered and totally unbothered about our surroundings and the happenings. There is literally nothing which boils up our blood. Even if it does, we happen to do nothing about it, keep mum and when the time passes we are all mouth to blame others. At the very moment when it is actually needed for us to take some actions what we do is, hide behind bushes and try to protect our own bottoms and play safe. May the thing happening be the gravest and sickest of all we don’t care. All we care is about ourselves.

When we see something wrong happening we tend not to interfere, but when something wrong happens with one of our family members or close ones why do we expect others to be thoughtful and take actions? Instead of helping that individual what we do is photo shoot the whole scene and make it public and justify it by saying we did it for public interest. Our police reach every scene after everything is over and the culprits have run away. And the best part is, we make fun of it. This is our system! Considering India is a democratic country every individual should get justice. We say women have got their rights and freedom in India. But have they really? Here women are being raped, molested and taken an advantage of every now and then. Some come in notice others are dumped and no actions are taken. The so-called high class people, who think they have got power in hand, misuse it and get away with it as well. Not like they don’t go through things themselves but that either turns out to be a publicity stunt or they just get away with things because of their so called power. The sufferers belong to the lower groups as they don’t have cash to spend like water. There are women who don’t get justice for years and years and all the system does is blame them for the deeds they don’t do.

With every new day, there are different types of crimes and offenses that come in notice. Molestation, rape, murders all these things have become so common that a normal method of crime is not satisfactory for us anymore. People have started using different techniques and strategies of committing crime. With all this we are among the toppers in corruption. Shove money and matters are sorted. No complaints lodged, no crime committed and hence no justice required. A female gets molested in public by a mob of 20 people in a public place and what others in the crowd do is stand and just capture images and videos of the scene going around than go and help the female out of the horrendous situation. Many of the crimes and situations happening are not even paid justice to. They are left in a limbo to swing in.

Life lines are something that hardly matter to people nowadays. With growing literacy, wisdom and knowledge it is observed that we humans have become self-centered and lonely. Whom do we blame for this, others? This is something we have dug in for ourselves and also by our own efforts. Our egos and attitudes have become more important to us than our morals and values. We talk about culture, etiquettes, manners and ethics. There is hardly anyone of us who actually tries to practice what he preaches. Life has become a serious joke and this is something which is inevitable if there is no humanity followed. If you expect good, you need to do some good too. Things don’t usually work singlehandedly you see. If you want things to work you need to grind yourself a little too. They won’t work automatically. You should not even expect that for your behavior if it’s on the similar lines. As you sow, so shall you reap is an old saying which is to be remembered and obeyed along too.

For a better place to stay you need to be equally good to deserve the good. Then and only then can you expect others to be good to you and value you. A little attention, a little help, a little anything for someone, anyone can make someone’s day or even give them enough confidence to fight for their own lives. You never know what your few words or actions might mean to a needy person. The only way to know is by helping and giving your time. Try it, maybe you can make wonders happen.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!

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