Wednesday 26 December 2012

Smiling For The Next...

Another year ends. It was happy, it was sad. It was good, it was bad. We chose few things, few were out of others' choice. But no matter what, or how, it has passed and that is one reality we need to face. We cannot opt to relive those times or days anymore. We do not get a second chance to correct our mistakes.

This year also took many lives which taught us to love our loved ones more than we do, give them as much time as you can because you really don't know what might happen the next day. Our choices, our options, the happiness and our sorrows everything is going to be carried ahead to the next year. Learning from our previous deeds and steps, it's time for us to sort our lives further. Every year brings new challenges and phases for us. But they are threads and branches of one stem that is our soul life. But with everything, one thing we need to remember is to Live.

Be charming, spread love, and learn to ignore wrongs and believe in giving second chances. Life is so much better if lived happily.

Wish you all a happy and satisfying New Year!

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf...!